Simon says
If you have ever played the game “Simon says” you know the rules. The leader tells you to do one thing after another (like pull your ear or scratch your nose or take baby steps or giant steps). The secret … Continue reading →
About Janice D. Green
Janice D. Green retired as an elementary librarian to write children's books. She is author and publisher of The Creation and The First Christmas, Bible storybooks for children. Her passion is to write about the Bible in a way that encourages young families to want to read it for themselves.
If you have ever played the game “Simon says” you know the rules. The leader tells you to do one thing after another (like pull your ear or scratch your nose or take baby steps or giant steps). The secret … Continue reading →
Read Luke 1:5-25. (If you click on this link you can read it from the NIV Bible.) An angel from God told a Priest named Zachariah that his wife was going to have a son, and that they were to … Continue reading →
Do you ever feel like everything is piling up on you? You messed up at school on a big assignment, your best friend got mad at you (or you don’t even have a best friend), and when you got home … Continue reading →
Tonight, December 31, 2009, we will have a blue moon. Does that mean it will look blue? Not really. “Blue Moon” is an expression that we use whenever we have a second full moon in a month. What is a full … Continue reading →
I listened to the song Mary Did You Know? several times this evening. Isn’t that what Christmas is really all about? Mary had a baby whose father was God. Mary had no idea what would happen in the days and months … Continue reading →