Don’t Worry, Be Happy… but how? Phil 4:6-7
Have you heard Bobby McFerrins’ pop hit, Don’t Worry, Be Happy? If not, click the link and take a listen.
When I hear this song I can’t help but wonder how he thinks you are supposed to get from the “don’t worry” part to the “be happy” part. Making a personal decision to be happy only gets you so far. Sometimes we need a little help.
Sadly many people look for this help in all the wrong places… drugs… fast crowd… unhealthy relationships… things…
The Apostle Paul offers a much better plan: Philippians 4:6-7 “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (NLT)
Spending time with your Creator is the best option for rising above your worries and disappointments. It may sound intimidating at times, but God knows you through and through. He knew you before you were born and he knows what it takes to satisfy your deepest desires. But it won’t happen while you are chasing after Satan’s deceptive prizes.
Line yourself up with Jesus and his teachings the best way you know how. Spend time talking to him and reading his Word. Share your deepest desires as well as the things that have hurt you. And make it a practice to thank him for everything that comes your way, even if you don’t understand it. Remember that he loves you too much to send anything that will destroy you, and that some of your troubles may be God’s sandpaper to shape you into a better you. Seek God’s wisdom and discover how joy and peace can come tapping you on the shoulder when you’re not looking.
Dear Jesus, help me to let go of those thing that seem to have a grip on me – things that pull me down. Help me to look to you for the answers to all of my questions, and show me your peace.
Listen to the song Come Just As You Are.