Do you wish your parents would let you decide more things for yourself? Most teens do. But let’s stop and consider some of the decisions you are making every day…
Do you choose your friends? Do you choose what TV shows you watch? Do you choose what clothes you wear? Do you choose the movies you watch? Do you choose where you hang out after school? Do you choose your Facebook friends? You can probably think of several other choices you make on a daily basis if you think about it.
How do you make these decisions? Do you think about what might make you popular in the eyes of certain people? Do you consider what God’s Word might have to say about it?
God’s Word? It doesn’t talk about TV or movies or the hangouts in my neighborhood… How is the Bible supposed to help me make these decisions?
Consider what the Apostle Paul said in Philippians 4:8 “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” (NLT)
I have heard this verse called the “sifter verse.” It is a powerful way to sift not only our thoughts, but every kind of decision we make. Look at the words that describe the kinds of things we should hold on to in life:
worthy of praise
The awesome Creator God has given us every evidence that he knows about beauty – just look at a sunset, a mountain peak, or the rolling tide that washes the beaches every day. He is the master architect of everything excellent in our lives.
And if we will use his measuring rod as revealed in this verse, we will find ourselves more closely aligned with everything that truly makes you fulfilled in life.
Will your friends support you if you use this verse to sift out what is good? If not, maybe you need to sift your friends. Do your movies and TV programs fit the standard? The clothes you wear?
This is a tough standard for teens in today’s world. It won’t be easy for you or anyone else at any age to apply to every situation. But it is the formula that works for finding a fulfilled life with permanent and meaningful relationships. It is also the way to gain your parents’ trust so they will allow you to make more of your own decisions.
Father God, sometimes it is downright scary to put my trust in you. I think about my friends and I’m afraid they will think I’m weird. I want things I want and I’m afraid you will say I don’t need them. If you really love me like my Christian friends say you do, help me to put my trust in you. Help me to feel your love in a way that will help me to trust you more. Help me to use your sifter verse to make decisions in my life. That’s a big step for me.